Friday, November 7, 2014

Realism is the Enemy

One major problem with the modern military shooter (MMS), as I like to call it, is that they try so hard to be "realistic".'s a fucking video game. Why? Why try to make it seem realistic if it's never going to BE REAL? The funny thing is, there are some gamers who believe that a shooter HAS TO BE realistic in order to be good. Why? Why this random requirement? It really makes no sense if you think about it. Since the game is in a virtual space and isn't going to be real under any circumstance,,,wouldn't want to focus on not being realistic? Wouldn't it be more fun to be able to do things that you can't in real life? Games allow for these opportunities, yet some stupid minded people like to dismiss any unrealistic game as being "bad". What the hell happened to creativity? I'd also like to mention that these dumbasses don't usually have a problem with Minecraft, Mario, or Street Fighter. So these genres are allowed to be unrealistic, but shooters can't be for some reason? Flawed logic. Realism is nothing but a restriction to creativity.

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