Monday, November 10, 2014

Noob's Guide to Strafejumping

Strafejumping is probably the first skill I learned while playing the Quake series, because it comes at no self damage, and in actuality it's not all that hard to do.

Simply hold the forward key as well the left or right strafe key, all while continuously jumping. Now during these jumps, you must move the mouse toward the direction of the strafe key that is being used, which is essential for gaining maximum the speed and acceleration. It's also really good to alternate between the two strafe keys for every jump, this is yet another technique that will allow you to utilize the full power of strafejumping. Just be careful not to bump into any walls, or else friction will take into effect, thus slowing you down immensely.

Once you've mastered the basis of this technique in Quake 3, now it's time to move onto circlejumping, which is often used to begin a set of strafejumps. It's useful to gain a sudden burst of speed that, when combined with strafejumping, allows you to unleash your inner speed demon. Firstly, turn your character 90 degrees away from the direction you plan to move in. You then hold forward and either the left or right strafe key (depending on the direction you wish to take), while turning your character to face ahead. From that instant, begin your strafe jumping and you are all set. The 90 degree turn is essential for maximizing your starting acceleration.

Tutorial video is available at:

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